안녕하세요! 일본에는 아직 저렴한 시기이기 때문에 일본여행을 계획하고 일본을 방문하시는 분들이 많으실텐데요! 일본여행을 가기전에 한걸음의 성수기를 알아간다면 좀더 저렴하게 일본여행을 즐길수 있을것 같아서 글을 써봅니다 ^^ 일본도 한국처럼 명절이라고 불리는 시기가 꽤 많이 있습니다. 역시 그 시기에는 숙박비와 항공비가 오르게 됩니다. 피해야 할 시기를 몇 가지 알려드릴 테니 일본 여행에 참고해 주세요! 골든 위크(봄) 골든 위크는 일반적으로 4월말~5월초에 이어지는 연휴입니다. 일본의 최성기 중의 최성기입니다. 특히 이때는 어린이날이 끼어 있기 때문에 한국처럼 가족여행을 가는 사람이 굉장히 많습니다. 골든위크=어디로 놀러갈까? 라는 의미가 일반적인 것 같아요. 중간에 하루 이틀 평일이 끼어 있어도 많은 사람들이 연차를 낸다고 합니다. 그 해에 따라 달라지지만 저도 예전에 황금연휴를 이용해서 유럽여행을 다녀올 정도였으니까 일주일은 기본적으로 쉰다고 생각하시면 됩니다. 일본인이 많이 이동할수록 일본의 각 지역은 숙박비가 비싸집니다. 체감상 평소의 3배정도는 되는것 같습니다;; 미리 예약을 하시는것을 권장하지만 이 시기는 어쩔수없이 비싸질것을 염두에 두시는것이 좋을것 같습니다 ^^ 안녕하세요! 일본에는 아직 저렴한 시기이기 때문에 일본여행을 계획하고 일본을 방문하시는 분들이 많으실텐데요! 일본여행을 가기전에 한걸음의 성수기를 알아간다면 좀더 저렴하게 일본여행을 즐길수 있을것 같아서 글을 써봅니다 ^^ 일본도 한국처럼 명절이라고 불리는 시기가 꽤 많이 있습니다. 역시 그 시기에는 숙박비와 항공비가 오르게 됩니다. 피해야 할 시기를 몇 가지 알려드릴 테니 일본 여행에 참고해 주세요! 골든 위크(봄) 골든 위크는 일반적으로 4월말~5월초에 이어지는 연휴입니다. 일본의 최성기 중의 최성기입니다. 특히 이때는 어린이날이 끼어 있기 때문에 한국처럼 가족여행을 가는 사람이 굉장히 많습니다. 골든위크=어디로 놀러갈까? 라는 의미가 일반적인 것 같아요. 중간에 하루 이틀 평일이 끼어 있어도 많은 사람들이 연차를 낸다고 합니다. 그 해에 따라 달라지지만 저도 예전에 황금연휴를 이용해서 유럽여행을 다녀올 정도였으니까 일주일은 기본적으로 쉰다고 생각하시면 됩니다. 일본인이 많이 이동할수록 일본의 각 지역은 숙박비가 비싸집니다. 체감상 평소의 3배 정도는 되는 것 같아요;;미리 예약을 하는 것을 권하는데 이 시기는 어쩔 수 없이 비싸질 것을 염두에 두는 것이 좋을 것 같아요^^
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Chuseok is mid-August, which means Chuseok in Korea, and it is also a summer vacation for people to recognize. At this time of year, people go on trips, but many people go back to their parents’ homes because they hold ancestral rites. However, there are many people who go on summer vacation at this time of year. As expected, accommodation and transportation costs will increase for those who enjoy vacation and those who go to Bogas. The date changes every year, but please keep this in mind! Chuseok is mid-August, which means Chuseok in Korea, and it is also a summer vacation for people to recognize. At this time of year, people go on trips, but many people go back to their parents’ homes because they hold ancestral rites. However, there are many people who go on summer vacation at this time of year. As expected, accommodation and transportation costs will increase for those who enjoy vacation and those who go to Bogas. The date changes every year, but please keep this in mind!
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Unlike Korea, Japan does not take the Lunar New Year holiday, but rather the New Year holiday. From the afternoon of December 29th, most companies will be closed and cleaned. ^^ When I was working for a Japanese company, I remember being surprised when people suddenly started cleaning. It’s fun, and I take a lot of rest during this period. Many companies are closed until January 4th, so there were about 10 days off in the year when Saturdays and Sundays overlap! There are many people who go back to their parents’ house and spend time with their families, but on the contrary, there are many people who go on trips, so accommodation and transportation costs go up. However, there are some things to be careful about at this time! Some shops are not open during the year-end and New Year holidays! If you’re going at this time of year, I recommend you to check if you’ve opened a large shopping mall, a shop, or a store before you go! It takes about 31 days and 1 day to close the shop, but 1 or 2 days is very important for a few days of travel!! #The date changes every year ^^ Unlike Korea, Japan does not take the Lunar New Year holiday, but rather the New Year holiday. From the afternoon of December 29th, most companies will be closed and cleaned. ^^ When I was working for a Japanese company, I remember being surprised when people suddenly started cleaning. It’s fun, and I take a lot of rest during this period. Many companies are closed until January 4th, so there were about 10 days off in the year when Saturdays and Sundays overlap! There are many people who go back to their parents’ house and spend time with their families, but on the contrary, there are many people who go on trips, so accommodation and transportation costs go up. However, there are some things to be careful about at this time! Some shops are not open during the year-end and New Year holidays! If you’re going at this time of year, I recommend you to check if you’ve opened a large shopping mall, a shop, or a store before you go! It takes about 31 days and 1 day to close the shop, but 1 or 2 days is very important for a few days of travel!! #The date changes every year^^
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Silver Week (Autumn) September has Korean Obon, right? In Japan, there is no long holiday due to this Chuseok holiday, but September 23rd is the autumn equinox day, which marks autumn. At this time, in Japan, people use their annual leave under the name of Silver Week to take or take about four to five days off together with Saturdays and Sundays. This is not the peak season compared to other times, but it is one of the famous holidays in Japan. Accommodation costs in each region of Japan will also increase. Silver Week (Autumn) September has Korean Obon, right? In Japan, there is no long holiday due to this Chuseok holiday, but September 23rd is the autumn equinox day, which marks autumn. At this time, in Japan, people use their annual leave under the name of Silver Week to take or take about four to five days off together with Saturdays and Sundays. This is not the peak season compared to other times, but it is one of the famous holidays in Japan. Accommodation costs in each region of Japan will also increase.
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